Supporting your understanding of you

Our aim is to support young people and families by identifying the nature of the challenges they face in life, providing psycho-education on the related areas and helping them see a brighter future .

Need Some Help?
What is sycamore psychology

What We Do

Sycamore psychology is a Dublin based psychology practice. We cover many aspects of psychological support which include the following

Assessments and reports
  • Diagnostic assessments for neuro-diversity (Autism)
  • Assessments for Dyslexia
  • Assessments for cognitive ability/IQ
  • Transition reports when moving from pre-school to primary school, primary school to secondary school, and mainstream to special classes and schools
Psychoeducational Support
  • Supporting parents to understand more about their child’s behaviour. The questions I hear most often are.  “Why does my child do that?), “How can I help my child?” “I want my child to be happy, how do I do that?”
  • Offering  guidance on the Irish education system for Irish exemptions, accommodations, DARE application
Group for 18 to 21-year-old females with autism
  • This six week psych-educational program will cover key areas that are integral for young neurodivergent autistic women to understand about their neurodiversity,  to enable and empower them to plan for their future by managing the here and now.

    The following areas will be covered

    What is autism?

    What areas of development and social interaction are impacted by autism?

    Understanding more about the nervous system and how sensory differences can impact day-to-day interactions.

    Common thinking styles

    The Polyvagus nerve

    Being social and learning about my own social goals

    Anxiety, what is it and basic skills around how to manage it

    Practical tips on helping myself

    And other areas

    The group will comprise of eight  females in the 18 to 21-year-old bracket who have been identified as neurodivergent autistic.

    We will come together for six weeks to learn and grow together.

    Please contact us for locations and times.

Consultation Work
  • Parents and young people often have questions they would like answered or to be pointed in the right direction. Talking things through can help people see their strengths and give them a road map for where to go next. All topics are welcome for discussion
Parenting Consultations
  • Parenting can present us with any number of challenges and questions and getting some guidance about how to work with and communicate with our children can change parent-child relationships and help move things along. An early chat about an issue that is difficult can save a lot of heartache and arguments.

Helpful Hint

Parenting is a tricky job at the best of times

“Parents often put themselves last when it comes to having needs met, but children model what we show them. We can support by helping parents see that a key way to help their children is through helping themselves first.”

– Dr Sara Flynn

Our process

How it works?

If you have a concern about your child, whether it be their speech and language development, difficulties with their behaviour, comparatively slower progress than children in their class, difficulties in controlling their emotions such as emotional outbursts or difficulties calming themselves down or difficulties with being social such as making and keeping friends, you may wish to get information regarding how they are perceiving their world and how they are functioning psychologically. Such information can be gained through a number of assessment processes which may include the following:


You may have discussed your concerns with the school staff where your child attends or you may have decided to keep this information within the family.
Once you have decided to seek assistance and further information and understanding around your child’s issues, please contact me to arrange an appointment. The referral form must then be completed as this will help to form a basic picture of the child and your concerns for him/her. This should be completed as thoroughly as possible. Following Dr. Sara’s receipt of the referral form, she will discuss your child with you the parent, to get a more personal picture of your child. If appropriate and relevant, Dr. Sara will also discuss with the relevant school staff who works with your child. It is at the discretion of the parents whether they wish to share any previous reports from professionals associated with your child’s development. It is recommended that all previous reports be provided to allow for an accurate picture of the child’s development.

Observation (Where necessary)

Should your concern relate to classroom/playground behaviour, an observation will be completed.


Your child will then be introduced to Dr. Sara and using standardised tests and recognised talking therapies, your child’s academic, social and behavioural competencies with be assessed. The assessment process typically takes place in Dr. Sara’s clinic.

Report and Feedback

A report is then prepared, based on all previously collected information and feedback is given to the parents, describing all findings. This report is the property of the parents and they may wish to share it with any individuals/professionals they choose.

Dr Sara’s Top Tips

Specifically for parents and
teachers of those who are neurodiverse.

I have been working as a psychologist for over 12 years and I have come across many
wonderful useful resources to support children, young people and adults who are neurodiverse (Autistic) and I want to share some information about them to those who need them.

Each Top Tip addresses one resource, which may be a book, a video, an activity an object etc and it provides brief information on what it, how to use it, who it is most suitable for and where to access it.

Why does my child find birthday parties difficult?
Understanding the particularly challenging parts of a school day for a child with autism

WhatsApp Broadcast Group

Our Top Tips are specifically focused on neurodiveristy / autism and they are sent out regularly on a broadcasting Whatsapp group.

If you would like to be part of the group, please save our number to your contacts +353 89 237 4385,
send us a text letting us know you want to join and we will add you to the broadcasting list.

Therapeutic Stories

The Doshel Bond

This is a heart-rending tale of parent and sibling relationships within a contemporary blended family.

Guides & Resources

Latest Reads

Resource for travelling through the airport

Resource for travelling through the airport

I need this if: I am going to be in an airport and have a person on the Autistic spectrum with my party This can help if: All ages Why is this useful: Cards: They provide a way to communicate to airport personelle and other flyers that there is someone in my party who...

Why does my child find birthday parties difficult?

Why does my child find birthday parties difficult?

I need this if: My child becomes overwhelmed by loud noises or in any social situations, like parties, summer camps, etc. This can help if: My child or student is Neurodiverse (Autistic) or if they have a sensory processing difficulty & they are aged 4 years or...

Parenting on the topic of pornography

Parenting on the topic of pornography

The use of pornographic images is not a new thing, however access to it used to be highly restrictive and accessing it was considered taboo. As practically every home in Ireland has access to the internet, today’s access to pornography is quick and easy. What age are...

Therapeutic Stories

The Doshel Bond

This is a heart-rending tale of parent and sibling relationships within a contemporary blended family.