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Dublin, Ireland


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Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that it can be worrying when you or your child are experiencing difficulties, so we prepared some frequently asked questions which may be helpful to answer some of the queries you may have, if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

How do I know if my child needs to see a psychologist or counsellor?

Psychology is the business of understanding how people think and how this affects their behaviour. If you have a concern about your child-what they say, how they’re behaving, how they act towards other people, how they are performing in school et cetera it is prudent that a parent voice and explore their concern with a professional. Discussing your concern allows for peace of mind. It is more often the case than not, that parents do not seek help when they are first concerned and the issue in hand can become bigger and more challenging and in some cases, very disruptive to all family members. Your child may not need to see a psychologist, however you, the parent may need some guidance from a psychologist to understand the child better or to have information on the next steps.

What is a child and educational psychologist?

Educational psychology explores how the human mind thinks and learns. Traditionally this would be only in an academic context, however Dr Sara Flynn understands and uses the theory of multiple intelligences (Howard Gardner), favouring it over uni dimensional traditional intelligence models. Blending educational psychology with child psychology allows for the whole child to be considered, starting when baby is in mummies tummy and every day after that, what they have experienced, what are their natural abilities, what do they need from nature and nurture to reach their maximum potential.

What happens in a consultation?

Sycamore Psychology will ask you about why you have sought support. You may be asked to supply previous reports, complete a referral form or provide other relevant documentation you already have in advance of the consultation. This information is used to prepare the psychologist for the consultation so they have accurate information to give you on the day regarding your specific set of circumstances. The consultation is generally one hour and at the end of it you will be informed of recommended next steps and/or you will be given a set of strategies that will have been discussed during the consultation. Consultation fees are €130 per hour.

Will you just see my child or can parents get advice too?

Children do not exist in a vacuum, in fact they are a product of their environment and therefore working with and supporting the child by themselves can only have limited success. Parents are involved from the beginning, all the way through and the feedback meeting focuses on supporting the parents to understand more about their child and more about how to help them.

Do I need a GP referral?

No, you can contact the service directly (here)

How can I pay?

Payment is by bank transfer or cash.

Can you work with my child’s school?

Yes, in most cases we gather information from the school. If parents would like the school to attend the feedback, this can be facilitated at the same time as the parental feedback

How long does an assessment take?

A cognitive assessment (IQ assessment) generally takes about an hour and a half and if there are additional tests such as the ones when assessing for dyslexia (Full educational assessment) or dyscalculia, it can take another half an hour.

What do I tell my child before the assessment?

You can tell your child that they will come and meet a lady called (psychologist’s name) and they will have a talk together and then do some activities together. The ladies job is to find out what things they find easy in school and what things they find tricky so that they can find ways to make school easier for them. If your child responds well to rewards then perhaps you can suggest taking them to get a toy or a treat they like afterwards.