Group for 18 to 21-year-old females with autism


This six week psych-educational programme begins on February 4th and will cover key areas that are integral for young neurodivergent autistic women to understand about their neurodiversity,  to enable and empower them to plan for their future by managing the here and now.

The following areas will be covered

  • What is autism?
  • What areas of development and social interaction are impacted by autism?
  • Understanding more about the nervous system and how sensory differences can impact day-to-day interactions.
  • Common thinking styles
  • The Polyvagus nerve
  • Being social and learning about my own social goals
  • Anxiety, what is it and basic skills around how to manage it
  • Practical tips on helping myself
  • And other areas

The group will comprise of eight females in the 18 to 21-year-old bracket who have been identified as neurodivergent autistic.

We will come together for six weeks to learn and grow together.

Get in Touch to Register for Group

13 + 9 =